James Flood

“I noticed an improvement to my tinnitus nearly immediately with a lowering of frequency and diffusion of the tone. My stress level is lower, so life is better as a result.”
Astrid Pryce

Retired florist from Middlesex, Astrid Pryce first experienced tinnitus about four and a half years ago. “It didn’t start over night; it was a gradual thing. Six months previous to this, I’d looked down as I was getting out of the car and both of my ears went pop, like when a plane comes into land. It seemed quite strange. I held my nose and blew out, to try and clear my ears; both ears cleared but my right ear quickly blocked again and felt pressured. I kept trying but I couldn’t clear it.”
Keith Kemsley

Keith, a retired farmer from Kent, first noticed his tinnitus about three years ago. “It sounded like a very loud ringing in my left ear. Quite frankly, it destroyed my every day and night. There was no respite at all and it was so intrusive. I felt like I couldn’t look forward to anything at all.”
Jane Mellor

“There is a lot of quackery surrounding a condition such as tinnitus, but this treatment is scientifically validated and it was this that attracted me to it. The tinnitus is still there – but it’s less shrill, and I hope one day it will fade until it no longer bothers me.”
Nathan Bushay

Twenty-five year old Nathan Bushay – a green grocer and market trader from High Wycombe – experienced debilitating tinnitus following a whiplash injury. Within days of starting the pioneering new treatment – called Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation – he noticed his tinnitus was less intrusive.
Barry Parker

“I went to see my GP and explained that I couldn’t live with it, that I wanted to end it. He said he’d have to section me, which I didn’t want, but I knew I couldn’t live with the ringing. Then, my wife and my son found The Tinnitus Clinic on the internet.”
Bernadette Newman

“The sound that I had was like the way TV programmes would represent the noise of electricity. It was like a “shushing sound” at a really high pitch and got louder the more I focused and concentrated on it.”
David Leslie

“It was only recently I decided to do something about it as my hearing was starting to get worse and I was struggling to hear conversations. I was in a noisy restaurant with things crashing around in the background and I realised my hearing couldn’t cope with it.”
Gary Breadner

“I became aware of the tinnitus about five or six years ago. Although there was no catastrophic event that created the situation, I gradually started to obsess about it and that’s when it became an issue fairly quickly.”
Mary Curtin

“I was in a very sad place. I wasn’t sleeping and I really thought I was going to go out of my mind if I didn’t get relief from the noise.”