Active Principle of Tinnitus

Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation Conference

Later this month, The Tinnitus Clinic will be hosting a full-day conference to update the UK medical community – including ENT specialists, audiologists and GPs – on the clinical advances in using Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation for the treatment of tinnitus. 

The conference will be chaired by Dr Veronica Kennedy, Consultant in Audiovestibular Medicine, NHS Bolton.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Peter Tass, Director of the Institute for Neurosciences and Medicine at the Jülich Research Centre
  • Dr Berthold Lagguth, Head of the Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Centre at the University of Regensburg
  • Dr Gerrit Weimann, Chief Medical Officer of Adaptive Neuromodulation GmbH, Colone
  • Dr Tatjana von Stackelberg, ENT Consultant, Dussledorf
  • Mark Willams, Principal Audiologist, The Tinnitus Clinic.

Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation was developed and first introduced into clinical practice in Germany. This conference provides a unique opportunity for these German researchers and medical professionals to share their knowledge with colleagues here in the UK. Our Prinicipal Audiologist, Mark Williams, will be presenting on his experiences of delivering Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation therapy at The Tinnitus Clinic.

We hope to be able to share some pictures and recordings from the conference on our website and Facebook in early April.